In BrainWorlds, we embrace diversity. Achieving excellence in science extends beyond groundbreaking discoveries. It requires a variety of perspectives, cultural influences, and backgrounds to foster a distinctive and thriving work environment.
Collectively, we endeavor to position the BrainWorlds Community as not just a pioneer in neuroscientific research and education, but also as a guiding light for inclusiveness and diversity within the scientific community.
- The service facility, provides guidance and assistance to researchers at the University of Freiburg in structural and personnel aspects concerning gender and diversity. They also offer support for the integration of fundamental gender and diversity initiatives in research projects
- The University of Freiburg sees itself as a place of plurality, openness, and international exchange. Research, teaching, further education, and administration thrive best in an atmosphere characterized by curiosity and openness. Therefore, the university promotes the realization of gender equality and a respectful approach to diversity among students, researchers, and employees in administration, service, and technology. It firmly opposes discriminatory behavior. In 2009, the university leadership signed the Charta der Vielfalt
- The following organizational units and institutions also deal, amongst others, with the professional implementation of equality and diversity:
- Beauftragte für Chancengleichheit (uni-freiburg.de)
- Herzlich Willkommen — Schwerbehindertenvertretung (uni-freiburg.de)
- Herzlich willkommen beim Familienservice — Familienservice (uni-freiburg.de)
- Regenbogen-Referat – für geschlechtliche und sexuelle Vielfalt
- Autonomes Referat für Studierende mit familiären Verpflichtungen — StuRa Uni Freiburg (uni-freiburg.de)